Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Thinking about illicit crime makes me think whether this crime is actually a slippery slope, as some people presume, or if it is just greed, or both. Buying a copied Gucci purse, or some kind of copied material, or some other kind of fake item does not necessarily entail some person behind the scenes ready to make a nuclear bomb. People will do whatever means necessary to make a quick buck, some of these people that are out there making these fake items are not going to save up to make a bomb. I do understand, however, that there are people out there that hate the United States and will do whatever means to wipe us of the map. I can see how a lot of these organizations are paying people to sell their throwback items to make money to support their efforts. Now, I agree that something needs to be done when it comes to these copied items. Every one of these items logos or items are being copied. Regardless if people don’t think buying a copied purse or some other article of clothing is not going to cause some worldwide catastrophe what is going on is still illegal and needs to be stopped regardless. It is kind of tricky when thought about because now days people are always hearing about one world government and how just about everything is leading up to that. When you hear about this illicit crime going on, you immediately feel a little skeptic when it comes to the movies brought out by our government telling us that the world needs to come together to stop this world wide attack on the economy. There is no doubt that this is going on, there is just a question of can this be stopped without making quite a fuss about it?

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